Brad's Network RP Commands

Total commands listed: 30
Command Description Alias
/Balance Checks your current bank account balance /Bal
/Buy (ID or Name) (Amount) Allows you to buy an item with an amount -
/BuyHouse (Furnished/Unfurnished) Purchases a house for you to live in /Buyh
/CheckHouse Checks the name, cost or owner of the house you are in /Checkh
/Garageadd (Name) Adds the vehicle you are looking at to your garage /Gadd
/Garagelist Lists all the garage vehicles you have /Glist
/Garageretrieve (Name) Takes the vehicle out of the garage and spawns it in front of you /Gtake
/Hit A UI that allows you to place a hit on someone for money (minimum of 3000) -
/Home Teleports you to your bed -
/Job (Job) Joins the job you selected -
/JobLeave Quits your current job -
/Jobs Shows a list of all available jobs you have access to -
/Kits Shows you what kits you has access to -
/Link Sends a link to link your discord with the server for a reward -
/Pay (Player) (Amount) Pays another player from your balance -
/Paybail Allows you to pay your bail to get out of prison -
/Payfine Allows you to pay your fine -
/Reward Gives you a reward for voting -
/Rules Opens a usefull UI with all basic rules -
/Sell (ID or Name) (Amount) Allows you to sell items for money with an amount -
/SellHouse Resets your house and returns 60% of the cost back to you /SellH
/Start Teleports you to RpTown and opens basic info -
/Toggle Toggles the UI that opens when you enter unpurcahsed houses -
/Tpa (Name) Sends a teleport request to a desired player -
/Tpa Accept Accept any incoming teleport requests /Tpa A
/Tpa Deny Denies any incoming teleport requests /Tpa D
/UI Toggles the UI of time, money and job -
/Vote Allows you to vote for the server to get rewards -
/Warp (Name) Warps you to the warp you specified -
/Warps Lists the warps you has access to -
Housing Market

Welcome to the official guide on how to buy your own shops/houses all automatically.

Quick Commands:

/Checkh - Checks the name and price of a building

/Buyh <Furnished/Unfurnished> (Name) - Buys a home in either the furnished or unfurnished state. You will have to enter the house name if you are not standing in the house.

/Sellh (Name) - Sells current house you are standing in unless you sell by the house name.

/Toggle - Turns the UI off that opens when you enter a house. This allows you to use the above commands.


1 - Walk into any house you would like. A UI will then open that gives you 3 choices of what you would like to do (Browse House, Buy Furnished or Buy UnFurnished)

2 - Simply use your mouse and click on any of the 3 available buttons. The action will then be completed.

3 - If the UI does not open, this means the house is already bought. If there is nothing in the house, make a ticket on the discord to get it reset

4 - If you are ever tired of your house and want to sell it do /sellh (name) to get 60% of your money back

5 - If you have any questions/bugs feel free to ask staff for help!

Video Guide:

Watch Here

Connecting with Yeeti

Welcome to the official guide on how to connect with yeeti to get your trial legend or booster kit.

Quick Commands:

/Link - Use ingame to start the linking with Yeeti.

/link - Use in the discord to link with Yeeti.

Linking your Steam and Discord Account:

Before you can link your Steam account to Yeeti, you have to make sure your Steam account is linked to your Discord account.
This is important because you will not be able to link your Steam account to Yeeti if you do not have your Steam and Discord linked.

How to link your discord with steam: Watch Here

Linking your Steam Account to Yeeti:

1. Type /link in #bot-commands channel. Make sure that the Yeeti bot is in the Discord you are doing this in. You should get a popup command that looks like this:

Hit enter with /link typed and a message only you can see should pop up that looks like this.
If you do not get this message, make sure your Discord is up to date, or just try again as sometimes it does not work the first try.

2. Click the "Yeeti Dashboard" link in the message. This will take you to the Yeeti website which should look like this

3. Under your Discord username, select the "--Select an account to link--" dropdown box. You should see your Steam account with an option to save it to the Yeeti bot.
To warn again, if you did not link your Steam and Discord accounts, you will not see your Steam account here.

Select your Steam account name from the dropdown box and hit "Save".
After you have done this you should get a DM from the Yeeti bot confirming that you linked your account successfully and Yeeti will tell you if you have gotten any roles for a server

After y‎ou have gotten then DM, you are good to go and your Steam account is linked to Yeeti!

Steam Guide